Untouched nature mesmerizes me how it lives in harmony within itself; plants, animals and microorganisms, all intertwined in a sometimes chaotic yet cyclical unity. This perspective shaped my childhood and evolved into a quest for knowledge of ethnobotany (study of the relationships between peoples and plants). I'm humbled that this exploration allowed me to build a line of natural health products.
At MRM, we are inspired by nature and utilize science as a tool to learn, incorporate, support and educate what the natural world has to offer.
Respectfully, these Superfoods are the foods our ancestors thrived on, not today's foods we survive on.
Many Thanks,
-Mark Olson, Founder of MRM
What is Elderberry Fruit? | |
Name: | Elderberry fruit powder, Sambucus Nigra, aka Black Elder |
Country of Origin: | Poland |
Climate: | Temperate |
Plants Used: | Fruit |
Nutrients: | Antioxidants, Polyphenols, Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A |
Ethnobotany: | From early eastern European civilizations to native Americans, elderberries have been revered for their medicinal benefits. |
Organic elderberry fruit powder and organic cassava dextrin.
Contains No added milk, egg, soy, peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish, wheat, gluten or yeast ingredients.
This product is manufactured in a facility that processes other products that contain milk or egg.
Does not contain
Contains a non-toxic moisture absorber to help maintain freshness. Do not eat. Store product in a cool, dark, and dry place.
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