Although the periwinkle plant may be best-known for its pink and purple garden flowers – which is why periwinkle is the name of a color – it is also the source of vincamine, an alkaloid from which the memory- and cognition-supporting ingredient vinpocetine is derived.
Vinpocetine supplementation can support healthy brain blood flow, memory, concentration & overall cognitive function.
Vinpocetine Benefits
Memory Support From the Periwinkle Plant
When taken orally, vinpocetine is easily absorbed. The compound is derived from vincamine, an alkaloid from the periwinkle plant. Vinpocetine helps promote optimal brain blood supply and support memory, attention and cognitive function.
Although the periwinkle plant may be best known for its pink and purple garden flowers – which is why periwinkle is the name of a color – it is also the source of vincamine, an alkaloid, from which the memory- and cognition-supporting ingredient vinpocetine is derived.
Vinpocetine is known to encourage optimal brain blood supply, support the ability to retain and recall information, help maintain concentration and support oxygen & glucose use by the brain.
Several clinical trials have demonstrated that vinpocetine supplementation can support healthy brain blood flow, memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function.
When taken orally, vinpocetine is easily absorbed.
Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, стеариновая кислота, растительный стеарат, пленочная оболочка на водной основе (очищенная вода, гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза, глицерин).
Предостережение: Проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед применением этого продукта, если вы принимаете антикоагулянты или антитромбоцитарные средства либо страдаете от нарушения свертываемости крови.
Хранить плотно закрытым в прохладном сухом месте.
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