Our innovative Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin combines three ingredients to promote sleep and relaxation, encourage a healthy response to stress and more, all without the added hormone, melatonin.
What Is Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin?
Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin contains bioactive milk peptides and a proprietary blend of ashwagandha and amla (Indian gooseberry) extracts. These ingredients have been combined to promote restful sleep patterns and relaxation, encourage a healthy response to stress, provide protection against free radicals and help maintain youthful, healthy-looking skin, all without melatonin.
Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin helps provide restful sleep patterns and a healthy response to stress, without the need for melatonin.
Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin Benefits
Product Details
Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin contains bioactive milk peptides and a proprietary blend of ashwagandha and amla (Indian gooseberry) extracts. These ingredients have been combined to promote restful sleep patterns and relaxation, encourage a healthy response to stress, provide protection against free radicals and help maintain youthful, healthy-looking skin, all without melatonin.
More facts about Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin
Enhanced Sleep without Melatonin is formulated with ingredients that encourage restful sleep, a healthy response to stress and youthful-looking skin. Restful sleep and a healthy stress response promote healthy skin and immune response and support healthy metabolism.
Sleep and healthy stress responses also promote healthy glucose and blood pressure levels already within the normal range, support healthy cell division and a healthy inflammatory response, promote cardiovascular health and help you maintain a positive mood.
Bioactive milk peptides
Bioactive milk peptides have many health-promoting effects. They have been shown to promote sleep quality and a healthy response to stress. Placebo-controlled human trials have also demonstrated bioactive milk peptides' capacity to help maintain blood pressure levels already within normal range.
Ashwagandha & amla extract
Our formula contains a proprietary blend of ashwagandha and amla (Indian gooseberry) extracts. Amla is prized for its many health-promoting effects, especially its powerful capacity to protect against free radicals and its ability to promote healthy, youthful-looking skin. Ashwagandha also promotes a healthy response to stress: In placebo-controlled clinical trials, ashwagandha extract successfully reduced biochemically-measured stress responses.
Растительная целлюлоза (капсула), микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, мальтодекстрин, диоксид кремния, растительный стеарат.
Содержит молоко (казеин декапептид).
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
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